COVID is surging, but COVID MOUs expired in May
"Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, NALC and the USPS have agreed that absent agreement otherwise at the Formal A level or regional/area level, time limits for appealing grievances to Step B of the grievance-arbitration procedure and appeals to arbitration will be extended for a period of 30 days beyond those specified in the National Agreement. This additional time period will be effective on January 1, 2022, upon the expiration date of the current time limit extension agreement and will continue until May 6, 2022. In accordance with M-01981, absent agreement otherwise at the Formal A or regional/area levels, May 7, 2022, will serve as day 1 of the existing contractual time limits for such appeals to Step B and arbitration that remain timely on the May 6, 2022, expiration date."