Contact |
Tom Wakefield
About | is dedicated to giving postal service employees
the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers
with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. is also dedicated to developing a healthy and
constructive online debate about the future of the postal service
and the critical challenges it faces in the 21st century. is an independent site and is not affiliated with the USPS, its labor unions, or any other postal organizations. We
welcome all comments and are considerate to all views as long as the
motivating factor is the betterment of the postal service, its
employees, and the services it provides to the nation and the world. is operated by NALC member Tom Wakefield who is
a letter carrier in Dallas, Texas. PostalMag is owned by Eagle Empire
LLC. |
Domains | |
| |
Thanks |
frequently receives e-mails from postal employees thanking us for the
information we provide. In fact, many have stated they receive more
information through than through the postal service. In
addition to general thanks, many postal employees have thanked us for
our coverage and information presented during the anthrax crisis.
During this crisis, while others were backpedaling, we were among the
first to call for anthrax testing of all postal workers in the mail
stream of anthrax-tainted letters.(1) Also, we would like to thank the
many postal employees who have contributed information and other items
that have been shared through this site with their fellow postal
employees. Below, are a few comments that we have received: |
(1) Gary Dorsey,
"Priority Mail - Postal workers rely on Internet message boards to
sort out ther fears and keep abreast of developments," The Baltimore
Sun, November 1, 2001. |
"Mr. Wakefield,
I would like to personally thank you for all of your (what
must be) hard work in giving the world It is in my
humble opinion one of the best sites on the World Wide Web (which is
why I have it as my Start Page)!
I was totally
flabbergasted to discover that you are a regular rank and file
postal employee. With the quality of this site I would have sworn it
was run by a top Web design service. I wish the best for your
- Sincerely, Rural Houston |
"I am a mid-level
manager with the Post Office. Recently, I attended a meeting conducted
by our District Manager. There were about 50 managers in attendance.
The topic was USPS transformation and the District Manager conducted
the meeting by periodically asking the audience questions about the
Postal Service's current situation. Few of the other managers knew the
answers to any of his questions. I found myself reluctantly answering
all of the questions correctly. I knew the answers because I read on a daily basis. Your site makes for much more informed
and involved postal employees. Thanks."
- J.H. |
"What an invaluable
resource you have created here. Good job."
- Steward670@... |
"I do LOVE your
site. It has so much information and I recommend it to all my
"associates" - Postmasters (I'm one), clerks, carriers. There is a lot
to learn there (at"
- S. Fox |
"Your site is by
far the best postal site on the Internet."
- Frank |
"Wow! You have
about everything under the sun on your site concerning Postal People.
Great Job!"
- Pete G. |
"I was just going through your website and wanted to tell you that you
have a first-class site - extremely professional and very informing.
Keep up the good work!" - Pete |
"Commissioner _____
at the Postal Rate Commission... I check postal news sources on
a daily basis... and visit your site frequently. I have read with
interest the article and comments on Saturday delivery."
- Unnamed Commissioner |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Q: My Alexa
Toolbar shows that is highly ranked in terms of traffic, but I
thought that it would be ranked even higher. What's up?
A: Our viewers use several different domain names to get to In addition to, a number of our viewers use (our first domain name), and to a lesser extent and All of these domain names point to, however, Alexa tracks each domain separately. Also, our
popular discussion forums are hosted offsite, and are not included in Alexa
traffic rankings. Many of our QuickTopic forums for example have tens of
thousands of messages and hundreds of thousands of page views. If these
domains were tracked together, no doubt would have an even
higher ranking. |
Q: Why do you have
advertising at
A: Advertising helps pay the bills. We have a number of expenses at, including domain registration, monthly hosting to support
millions of monthly hits, fees for our discussion forums, and more. We
realize that some employees do not like ads, however, we try to strike a
balance between content and ads. Plus, many of our ads are postal-related,
giving postal employees information about products and services that may be
beneficial to them. Additionally, all of the information at is
free to viewers, in part, because of our sponsors. |
Q: I noticed
the exact same headlines that appear at also appear on a few
other sites. Does offer a news feed, or are other sites
copying your headlines?
A: No, we do not have a news feed. And yes, there are a few sites that
cut and paste our content. Imitation is the best form of flattery. |
Q: I really
appreciate the information provided at Can I donate to help
A: Although we appreciate your offer, our sponsors currently cover
most all costs associated with the Web site. |
For Postal Employees Flourishes on the Net
For Immediate
Distribution |
owner Tom Wakefield has heard the joke more than once when he
tells someone he runs a Web site for postal employees: "You sell
guns on the Internet?" however is no joke. The site
has become one of the most popular destinations on the
Internet for postal employees, registering millions of hits per
month from tens of thousands of visitors. There are no guns to be found at
the site. What visitors do find however is an interesting mix of
the postal culture, from the latest postal news, to postal eBay
auctions, dog attack stories, editorials,
benefits info and other items of postal interest.
Wakefield, a letter
carrier in Dallas, Texas, got the idea
for the site in 2000 when he went online searching for information
about postal benefits for a fellow employee. He was expecting to find a category
site for postal employees, much like's site for
service members. What he found, however, were a few personal sites
that were infrequently updated.
"I found that many
postal employees didn't even know basic facts about their postal
benefits," Wakefield says. "Postal benefits are governed by a
complex mingling of union, postal, and federal regulations. Many
postal employees, for example, don't even understand how their
leave and sick leave is computed. I wanted to provide postal
employees at least the basic facts about these
Wakefield posted the
information but received few visitors initially. He soon learned a
few elementary facts about the Internet. "First, you have to find
a way to be found. So I registered with search engines and traded
links with other postal sites," Wakefield says. "Second, I found that Internet
surfers have a voracious appetite for information, and they
frequent sites that are frequently updated and discard sites that
aren't. When I began updating my site daily with postal news found
throughout the Internet, the hits started coming," Wakefield adds.
Another lesson that
Wakefield learned is that, though information is power, a
professional Web site design equals credibility on the Net. He
believes that the design aspect of the site is important. "On the Net, all
that people see is what is on their monitor.
A professional design levels the playing field with the big guys,"
notes Wakefield. In's case, the design betrays that the fact that the
site is a one person operation. Wakefield both laughs and is
humbled when postal employees ask him such questions as "how many
employees work for" and when job seekers apply for
such positions as the Chief Technology Officer.
One of the most popular
features at has been their discussion boards, which
allows postal employees from all across the nation to voice their
opinions, vent their frustrations and share information using
anonymous postings. The forums have hundreds of thousands of page
views and tens of thousands of messages. Though some of the
messages are your stereotypical gripe sessions, many other
messages are from postal employees seeking and giving
postal-related advice and information.
Sites such as have revolutionized the way postal workers communicate with each other. Before the Internet, many postal
employees received only sporadic information from the Postal
Service, most of it pertaining only to their particular tasks at
hand. Today, postal news stories are culled from online news
sources from around the world and posted for all to see. As a
result, local postal stories are also becoming national stories.
For example, the story about a Missouri letter carrier killed
while delivering mail in the dark became a national story that was
discussed on workroom floors across the country the next morning. The incident, and
publicity from the incident led to a national outcry among letter
carriers and has led to some reforms concerning delivery after
dark. The local paper that initially ran the story was surprised
at the volume of e-mails received from postal employees around the nation.
One of the most
important stories has followed is the anthrax
through the mail terror attacks. Many postal employees have contacted saying
they received more information about anthrax and the attacks
from the site than any other source.
Though Wakefield is a
postal employee, the site is not affiliated with or endorsed by
the U.S. Postal Service. Wakefield says that he is very careful
with the ethics part of the situation. "I don't use inside information and most all of the content at can be
found somewhere on the Net. And though I developed the site
primarily for employees of the U.S. Postal Service, the site is
generic, in that, it is a postal site, not a United States
Postal Service site." In fact, Web statistics show more than a few
visitors from from such diverse places as Great Britain, Saudi
Arabia, Germany, and Australia.
What do top officials at
USPS headquarters think about Wakefield is quick to
point out that they are probably a bit under whelmed. "Their site,, is one of the most frequented and most
important sites on the Internet." Nevertheless, Wakefield knows
from his Web statistics and from e-mails that top postal and
postal union officials
regularly visit the site.
Wakefield believes that
an informed employee is a better employee. He likes to tell the
story of a manager at a district manager's meeting who knew all of
the answers in a question and answer session about postal reform -
because he was a frequent reader of
"'s goal is
to give
postal workers the news, information and resources they need to
help make their careers with the postal service as rewarding
and enriching as possible," Wakefield says.
The biggest lesson
Wakefield has learned at over the last several years is
that there is a vast amount of untapped human potential among the
700,000 plus employees of the Postal Service. "Due to the
repetitive and controlled work environment involved with working
the mail, it's hard for postal employees to realize their full
potential at work," Wakefield adds. "Hopefully can help unleash some of that potential." |
# # # |
Stories Mentioning
(also |
"Postal workers rely on Internet message boards to sort out their
fears and keep abreast of developments."
By Gary Dorsey, Baltimore
Published November 1, 2001 |
"By now the image of postal workers as working-class heroes hangs
enshrined in the gallery of noble yeomen alongside New York
firefighters and World Trade Center rescue workers. As silent paladins
- brave soldiers - Postal Service employees have been characterized as
the latest troops on the front line in a homeland war against
terrorism. But in fact, since anthrax threats turned grim, the silence
among employees of the U.S. Postal Service has stemmed less from quiet
courage than from..."
(See the entire story at Baltimore Sun archives.) |
Neither Rain Nor Hail Nor E-Mail
By Kendra Mayfield, Wired News
Published June 7, 2001 |
"Much of the content of many
e-mails, from jokes to chain letters, would not have been sent via the
U.S. Mail, said Tom Wakefield, president of
Many of these short communications would instead be conducted by
(See the entire story at Wired News.) |
Is FBI Following The Wrong Trail?
By John Berlau, Insight Magazine
Published January 7th, 2002 |
"The Unabomber never tried
to portray his motive as something else to 'throw off' authorities,"
notes Tom Wakefield, an expert on crimes through the mail, in an
analysis for" |