The Great Postal Heist Official Trailer



In The Great Postal Heist, Jay Galione, the son of a postal clerk, investigates the dark corners of the US Postal Service. Across the country, brave employees stand up to injustice on the job and fight to Save the People’s Post Office.


The Great Postal Heist follows director Jay Galione’s father, a 30-year US Post Office clerk, who was harassed, threatened, and fired for standing up for his colleagues. It is a personal and powerful story that goes beyond the term “going postal” in the 1990s. A moving indictment of the toxic culture and push to downsize, the documentary chronicles the journey of postal workers, experts, and advocates, including Ralph Nader and Richard Wolff, who experienced firsthand the abuses in the oldest federal agency in America and stood up against the USPS’s notorious violent working environment. The atmosphere was a result of systematically dismantling and privatizing the trillion-dollar mail industry by lobbyists and politicians who seek to make profits at the disposal of the mental health, living wages, and working conditions of their employees.” (SOURCE: The Great Postal Heist website)

Available now on DVD & Streaming: Watch now at Vimeo (1 hr, 36 minutes, $3.99 to rent, $9.99 to purchase)

Caption sheet:

The Great Postal Heist